/checkoac - Check for new version of Opera AC. /qcheckoac - Check for new version of Opera AC in quick mode (Useful for running with opera, alert will apeare only if there a new version availible). /config - Show the dialog of some MultiAC configurations. /cv=%operadir% - Correction option for 'Cache Viewer' of Opera. /wadd - Execute the Winamp player (if not already run), and open the dialog of winamp to add files to a playlist. /wshow - Execute Winamp player and show him, and if the winamp already running, then it just show him (instead run it again, in case that the options is set to allow run multiple copies). /cselect - Open the dialog window, to save file for chat sessions. /cquick - Allow to save quickly (in background mode) the session of current chat room - if the file is not defined (that sessions will saved to him), then will appear a window for saving the file. /cshow - Allow to execute the file of chat sessions in standard windows notepad. /cl&&t2n - If appear a window of JavaScript, this key will copy the text of input line, and close the window, then paste the copied text to notes (all this required a running of JavaScript function from the Opera). /cl&&t - Same as the key /cl&&t2n, but without pasting the text into notes. /enter - imitate of ENTER hotkey press. /shftenter - Imitate of SHIFT+ENTER hotkeys press. /run - Execute the option of running an external program. (like a window that can be executed from Start -> Run.) /favorie - Monitoring of IE Favorites folder, and if page was added to favorites of IE, then it automaticly writen to bookmarks of Opera. /copy2note - Allow to paste a text that in clipboard, to notes. /delall - For RSS Feeds window (panel) make possible to delete all the newsgroups of current feed (before deleting, there is a warning). /saveie - Save by default in format HTML with images (and in the same window, it is possible to save in all others formats that exists in Opera). /savemht - Save by default in format MHT web archive (and in the same window, it is possible to save in all others formats that exist in Opera). /minimize - Allow minimizing all windows (showing the desktop). /opmenu - From dialog where chousing the menu profile, with this key it is possible to make a button, which will open the current file of menu profile (but not the selected profile, just the currently used). /optoolbar - From dialog where chousing the toolbar profile, with this key it is possible to make a button, which will open the current file of toolbar profile (but not the selected profile, just the currently used). /p2c - Write a registry entry for program Page2Chm, which allow to system "know" the path of program. And after that the options of that program is shown. /cp2c - Same as the /p2c, but without running the options of Page2Chm. /msp - Run the MSpaint editor, and paste into it a clipboard content. /file /edit /view /bokmrks /session /widgets /tools /utilities /ruboard /oszone /help - All those, is used for showing\hiding the Items of Browser Menu bar. /url=%u - Save selected text to file (Required a Copy command). /External=progname - Run an external program. This method is useful if there is a need to 'show' the path to program using enviroment - After '/External=' just type the name of program, and in MultiAC.ini in section [Executed programs], type the same name, but as a key, and the value must equal the path to program (there is support of many enviroments). |